Jul 07, 2005 02:12
so im checking out cnn.com today and i see a story about joseph duncan the third and i start to read about what this asshole has done. this motherfucker kiled 3 people and then kidnapped a 9 year old boy and an 8 year old girl. hes a sexual predator so he probably raped them. well they finally found the girl because the guy was seen on a security camera at a convienence store and he will probably be put to death. but i was just thinking..he doesnt deserve some painless gas or lethal injection..this mother fucker deserves to have his veins cut one by one and then someone should use a very sharp rusty knife to cut open his chest and rip out his heart..and im not talking about that heart people use when they say you broke my heart..im talking about the heart that ur aorta is connected too. this son of a bitch doesnt deserve any painless death he deserves the most painful and hurtful death that anyone could possibly have. you have to stop and think that the good people in this world are at a minimum because you never see a story about someone doing a good deed in the news.. you only see stories about war and murderers. anyone that ever killed another person purposely should be shoot in the knee and then the chest and left on the street to die. and then when they ask for mercy they will not recieve it. because god does not protect the people that these murderers and pedophiles target, so why do they deserve a second chance or forgiveness. they dont.