"Thomas, You & Trouble Go Hand-In-Hand"-Jeff's sister

Jun 27, 2006 11:26

Ok so in this story there are 4 sides to it: Mine, Jeff's, Phil's...and well...the Cop's/

Was riding with Phil & Jeff tonight.
And we stopped at a resteraunt,
Dropped Jeff off, than went to get gas across the street.
Phil & I got gas and as i'm stretching three cops pull into the gas station
2 males on motorcycles, 1 female in a cruiser.
As i'm getting into the car i kind of have a stare off with the female cop
I didn't tell Phil or Jeff that at the time.
I didn't think it was neccessary.
It was only like 5 seconds, but that's actually a long time.
So Phil & Igo back to the other side of the street.
Pick up Jeff and make our way to my freind Michelle's house
We notice the cop car behind us, but we thought it was a coincidence.
Then realize that after a while this cop is STILL ON OUR ASS
But again we didn't think anything of it.
We tried evading it to test if it was actually following us.
Bad move.
We got near my freind Zouka's house and thats when we knew we were fucked.
She flashed her lights for us to pull over. Cursing insues.
She parks right next to us blocking on-coming traffic.
This is how the dialoge went:

Cop: Are you lost or something?
Phil: Yea kinda, i'm trying to get back on US1.
Cop: Why? you were just on US1.
Phil: We were going to see a freind, and changed our minds.
Cop: Do you have any ID on you?
Phil: Yeah..
Cop: Is that your car?
Phil: Yea, well its my aunt...shes letting me borrow it for the weekend.
Cop: bringyour ID over to me, and also the guy in the backseat.(Jeff was in the backseat)
(phil hands both his & Jeff's ID to the cop)
Cop: What about your freind in the passenger seat? (me)
Cop: Do you have any ID on you?
Me: Yeah.
Cop: Get out of the car and give it to me.
(The cop goes in reverse behind us a few yards)
(as i walk towards the car, Phil is with me, and Jeff is still at the car)
(phil and i walk to the side of the police cruiser)
Cop: No you stay back there, I want to talk to him.
(Phil leaves and i talk to her)(which was an obvious singling out, cuz im not the driver)
Cop: How old are you?
Me: 17
Cop: Have you graduated yet?
Me: No ma'am.
Cop: why did i see you go from parking lot to parking lot?
Me: The driver and I dropped the backseat driver off at a resteraunt, then went across the street to get gas.
(seconds pass) (oncomig traffic is looking at me) (kellys chinese neighbor gives me a dirty look)
Me: So is this going on a record, bcuz i was unaware that we were doing anything wrong
Cop: Do you HAVE a record?
Me: Ma'am, to my knowledge, No i do not have a record.
Cop: alright then.
Cop: what school do you go to?
Me: Coral Reef Senior High, ma'am
Cop: That's a magnet school right?
Me: Yes Ma'am.
Cop: Are you in a magnet?
Me: Yes ma'am i am.
Cop: What magnet are you in?
Me: Agricultural & Engineering program
Cop: Is that what you would like to do after high school?
Me: No ma'am.
Cop: Well what do you want to do?
Me: something in music production, booking, etc.
Cop: Interesting.
(Jeff walks away from phil and the car and heads towards myself and the cop)
(i am telling to go away, but he doesnt listen)
(Cop looks up from her laptop straight at Jeff)
Cop: Yes...?
Jeff: I-uh-I-jus-The thing is-i uhh
(Cops turns head toward me)
(I am cursing under my breath at jeff)
Cop: So what were you doing?
(Jeff cuts me off)
Jeff: Well see the thing is we were going to dadeland station to visit our freind SSS-ON-TEA-AH-GO
(me thinking, man jeff just give her the fucking answer to her question)
Jeff: See the thing is, he works near dadeland station, and he was on break so we brought him a burrito and-
Cop:That's not what I asked for.
Jeff: Oh right, ok so yea after we had visitied our drummer, cuz see he (points to phil) is our guitarist, and im the singer, and were in a band.
(me thinking "OMFG JEFF")
Jeff: So we went to a resteraunt to visit a friend, and the thing is i used to have a thing for her, and i just wanted to say hey, but the place was closed so we left on our way home, and we passed by her house, and i thought why not say hi there, but then i saw like 10 cars so i was like ok maybe not, her bf's proly in there and he wants to beat me up.
(me thinking again "OMFG JEFF")
Cop: (gives a 'pfft' laugh)
Jeff: (laughs)
Me: (omg)
Cop: you need to update your liscence.
Jeff: no i just got back from camp and havent shaved.
Cop: You look alot older than your picture
Jeff: Oh, thanks i guess.
Cop: so you say you were in band camp?
Jeff: No, boy scout camp
Cop: Oh, interesting.
Jeff: yea, heh, thanks.
Cop: Well heres your liscences (hands all three to me)
Cop: I just think you guys should not try and evade a cop, its very bothersome on my part, and it makes you look shady
Me: But did we do anything wrong?
Cop: Technically, no. but don't avoid a cop.
Me: Nothing that can go down on record?
Cop: i should think not.
Me: Ok than.
Me: (give jeffs restricted to him and phils to jeff and take mine jeff gives phil his)
Jeff and I: (head back to the car)

*Note* We were all very calm suprisingly I expected my heart to be pounding but i was really calm, we all were. Even for Jeff who freaks out at every sign of a cop. (IE Shannons car). So we were all calm.

*****At this point phil had lost his patience, and i was getting worried he might blow it*****
Me, Jeff & Phil: (all half way in the car)
Cop: (pulls car next to phils)
Cop: Yea guys just be careful, wear your seatbelts, and stay out of trouble
Phil: yea
Cop: You guys just looked really suspicuous
Phil: yea...
Cop: you guys were just going from parking lot to parking lot, and it looked bad
Phil: yea but i told you-
(the motors running made it hard to hear)
Cop: what? im sorry i didnt catch that.
Phil: nevermind, have a goodnight.
Cop: Have a goodnight
Jeff & Me: Have a goodnight.
Jeff, Phil & Me: (get in the car)

****time passes in the car without saying anything****

Me:....man, what a whore. (right before phil says..)
Phil: Fcuking waste of my time
Jeff: Man, were good.
Phil & Me: haha
Jeff: seriously though, guys...we fucking own.
Me: man that shit was lame.
Phil: Fucking whack.
Phil: Dude, jeff, did i hear you mention to the cop that you had thing for someone?
Jeff: Heheh YEA
Jeff: hahaha hey man stfu.

*****on the way back to jeffs*****

Jeff: if we tell my mom we could so blame it on thomas and she would believe it.
Phil: rofl yeaaa
Me: Fuck you guys.

*****Explained the whole story to Mrs. Diego and jeffs sister*****

Jeffs sister: Thomas, why is that when my brother hangs out with you he always gets in trouble
Me: Shut the hell up.
Jeffs sister: You find trouble, and when youre not looking, it finds you.
Me: hey Lindsey.....shut the hell up.

The End.
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