xKeep Hope Alive

May 30, 2004 20:29

I went fishing today with my Dad and Liz. Didn't catch anything though. Liz read a lot of Michael Moore's new book to us, "Dude, Where's My Country". It's all about how Busch is an idiot and how he was really close to the Saudis pre-9/11 and how he let all of this happen to the U.S. Like, he let the Bin Laden family leave the country right after Semptember 11th, when all other planes were grounded, he let them leave and didn't even interrogate them. Craziness. It had a whole lot of funny quotes from Bush too. If you look back at a lot of his speachs they're really funny, like one repeatedly kept on saying "He{Osama) won't stand for ________" over and over and over again and that was the whole speach. It was hilarious.

Then, we went to the land, cleaned the boat off, went to Home Depot, and then came home. My shoulders are killing me though. They got sunburned yesterday.

Have a bitchin' evening,
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