Apr 13, 2005 20:32
oh oh oh to the GAZEBO where for out thow GAZEEEBO!hehehehehe
chrissy im so sorry for the trouble.LOVE.
yeah so today was rotten untill just recently i dont know why but a gadoozle of happiness sprung upon me and i feel good.
i cannot wait untill FRIDAY!
***small simple safe price rise the wake and carry me with all of my regrets this is not a small cut the scabs and drys a flakes and heals and i am not afaid to die im not afraid to bleed and fuck a fight i want the pain of payment what left but a section of pigmy size cuts much like a slu of 1000 unwanted fucks would you be my little cut? would you be my 1000 fucks?and make mark leaving spacefor the guilt to be liquid to fill and spill and udder my thoughts my sad sorry selfish cry out to the cutter im cutting trying to picture your flesh broken open LOVE IS NOT LIKE ANYTHING ecspecially like a fucking knife***
william paul i love you more than life itself you are my everything all i have is all you give me! you are the most beautiful smart kind caring loving just so fucking georgeous! i love you sooooooooooooooo much! im going to be with you forever! i love you beautiful! MUAH MUAH MUAH you sexy boy YOU! i love you!
KATIE YOODLE call me! please. lol <3ya
omg i love you! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!!!
my feet in the ocean water