A reminder....

Oct 02, 2010 11:45

Tomarashi SOng MEmE
To celebrate TOMA'S 26th BiRTHDAY

You still have all this week to post all your fanwors, whatever they are. Remember it has to come with a song related to Toma and/or Arashi.

I said I would make a master post for better access to all the fanworks on the 9th but I don't think I'll be able to do it that day. Maybe the next, maybe... in any case I will ask somebody else to do it *coughstwincoughs*

That's all :D

Oh! yeah and don't forget this community is closed to joining and posting due some buggers that are trying to join and post. Once I get rid of all of them it'll go back to normal. Sorry for all the troubles m(_ _)m.

**announcement, **modpost, meme

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