What a few months....

Jul 20, 2011 20:34

I must say, having to quit vet school (hopefully only temporary) move back home, and get started working and enrolled to finish my masters has been a roller coaster ride. Work wanted me back ASAP which I did go but with a $2.00 raise. silphion got a new car thanks to his mother helping us out.

One of our room mates is moving out by the end of this month due to getting a scholarship for school. I am rather proud of her for that.

Apparently while I've been gone from Valley Animal Hospital most of the staff got pregnant and thus has been rather strained and stretched thin. I've been working full time hours and loving it. It feels good to be working again. I do miss school and want to go back very badly but for stress relief I can't help but enjoy some good hard work.

I have been back at work for a little over a month now when I started getting nauseous last Saturday night. The night after my first role playing in quite a while. At first I put it up to possibly bad food, or stress. You never know. But I never get nauseous, and I never vomit. It just doesn't happen. So after Monday at work was over and I still wasn't any better I got a replacement for me to work Tuesday so I could go to the doctor...
The Doctor determined that I had a UTI and Walking Pneumonia. Joys of joys. And that I am not allowed back at work at least until Monday after my check up. An entire week of not being at work. This honestly sucks because one of the main techs is going to be having her baby sometime this week. Which means the already short staff is even shorter. Talk about bad timing.

The funny part in all this is that everyone kept asking me the exact same question. 'So, are you pregnant?' To the point, in fact that it was starting to irk me that everyone seemed to assume that I would in fact be pregnant. By the time I went to the doctor I had taken a piss test just to prove to everyone that I wasn't. Then the doctor even suspected I might have been preggers and I was just done. Makes you wonder if everyone just 'wants' one to be pregnant...Like they believe that at that particular moment in your life you 'should' by now be popping out kids like a pez dispenser.

But over all things are going well. I am no where nearly ready for Dragon*con, money or costume wise. ::headdesk::

Having to work through my feelings of failure towards vet school has been a very big challenge, but I think I will make it through. I am very smart, and very motivated... I just need to dust off my pants and try again.

I will try to be more productive on lj because I still love it so. And if you managed to read through this jumbled medicine induced rambling I applaud you.
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