Oct 21, 2009 19:48
Mulla on kipeä olo. Silleen kuumekipeä. Whoaaa.
Ja nyt aiheeseen, koska mua on vähän ahdistanut tässä:
Guys, I momentarily declare this thread as my personal rant thread, because rant thread is not the place where I want to rant right now.
Lately, and I'm talking mostly about this week, these two days it's been on and going, I've felt more and more bad for being in church.
The church doesn't want me. The people in church seem not to want me at all. This week it has seemed like God REALLY hated me, despite all the things past, and because of what? Not because He'd come down from Heavens and told me I suck but because His "true followers" tell me over and over I'm unqualified, horrible, unloving creature raping kids and having sex with multiple partners each day.
What am I doing in this church? I'm trying to back myself up with "Jesus told us to love each other no matter what, please stop acting god and spreading justice you can't understand", trying to say I would never cheat, never sleep with anyone I don't love like mad and I really don't understand what "lust" is.
What IS lust?
How can anyone tell me I'm having orgies in front of children, when I'm a virgin?
I'm homosexual, yet none of my own gender, none of the opposite, has ever touched me under my clothes.
Not a single one.
How can anyone tell me, behind a nickname, that I'll burn in hell because of this and that that I AM NOT DOING?
I've never had a crisis over my sexuality, but currently, I'm having a crisis with society.
I just want to live and be happy with someone I love. What bad is in it?
Please, honestly, what rights do people have to do this? What rights do they have to tell me I know no love, that all I want is sex?
Tell me, when have I "lusted" after children? When I have "lusted" for anyone?
What makes my love different from yours?
I want to go and bang my head against the wall. People really make me want to hide, and these vocal True Followers really make me want to turn my back on their whole faith. Yet I could never do that, the basis of their faith is my faith too.
... now I go bang my head against a wall.
I don't know why I chose this topic as my ranting place. Probably just because this is my only daily check thread ever, and because I know people in here know how I feel.
I just wish the "others" would understand how they make us feel and how they're not helping us in the least bit, not converting us to anything and not saving us from anything but happiness.