Oct 15, 2014 17:44
so today i suddenly got a PM from someone. one of the people who helped re-upload Tomalicious videos a while back. she said all her toma videos on mega were deleted and she will delete her own livejournal soon and please remove her username from the post that listed all the re-uploaded video links. so i did do that for her.
but then the news about japan arresting that man for uploading variety shows to daily motion and them trying to stop anime and manga fans overseas from sharing stuff is kind of making me nervous. i know johnny's artists related videos are removed from youtube pretty fast. but has anyone heard of anyone getting in trouble for subbing and uploading johnny's artists related videos, that are overseas?? i don't think so, right? and i mean...they would probably have did it sooner if they wanted to. tomalicious has been around for a long time... since 2007!!
i still felt kinda nervous about it, so i have members-locked the entry about all the re-uploaded videos for tomalicious. unfortunately, tomalicious's posts are ALL public. lol. all these years!! why didn't they members-lock it???? i wish i could change all the posts to members-locked at once, but i would have to do it manually, each one. and there are 190 posts in all. -___-
do you think we have to worry about this at all, or am i just worrying too much? lol.
! download,
! question,
! mod post,