HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATIE... this is late but its just as good 8)
happy birthday katie this day only comes around once a year 8) but when it comes around i hope its the best day for you katie! anyways your the best friend i could ever have cause your always there for me even when we are fighting or mad at each other.. and i want you to know im always here for you too whenever you need me 8) ill get you something for your birthday and ill give it to you when we get back or something... i hope your this happy all of your life cause you dont need to be sad cause it makes me sad =P well ima go bye
♥ thomas
ahh tom thanks so much. i can tell you put thougt into that. it means a lot. you like always make me happy and believe in me more than i believe in myself. whenever i need someone to help me when i have doubts about my life my choices or myself i can always turn to you. you are there for me when i treat you like crap and when i dont deserve it you treat me like a princess. i hope we will be friends for a long time cause you make me feel so good about myself and no matter how much you disagree with something i do you always tell me something possitive about it. you still dont have to get me anything but i now know that trying to stop you is crazy. thanks so much for our IM conversation it meant a lot and really cheered me up.
thanks for everything and much love,
go there for her picture cause im retarded and cant figure out how to put a picture on the update things.