What a week.
I've been under constant guard, who currently has been asked to stay on the other side of the screen until I finish this log.
I've been in Sickbay, and I've waited forever to talk with the people I inadvertedly injured on the Away mission.
I met with Hoshi (
ensignsato) in the Mess Hall. I was under a lot of pressure to tell her what happened, with about a quarter of the time to explain it, how I felt, what affected me, how, when, all those questions. I could have taken a day, but somehow I compressed it into that time, all the while trying to eat the Miso soup.
I think all I did was nervously stir it into a watery paste.
I'm pretty sure Hoshi was pretty taken back by how I came across. I could have made up any B.S I could have thought of, like back before I came aboard Voyager, but just looking into her dark eyes, I couldn't even attempt to lie.
I was so relieved to hear her accept my apology. I would have died on the spot if she had told me 'where to go' in old Terran terms. She had a look of...sympathy? Mixed with...something else...in her eyes when she replied to me.
I am falling for her.
Or have I landed already?
::pauses, thinking for a few moments.::
End log.