Jan 15, 2009 19:15
Deltron 3030, '3030'
Ladytron, 'He Took Her to a Movie'
Roisin Murphy, 'Sunshine'
Camera Obscura, 'Super Trouper'
Broadcast, 'Black Cat'
Paul McCartney, 'Ram On' (kicking off the greatest three-song sequence on any of his albums)
Winifred Lawson, George Baker & Company, 'I Have a Song to Sing, O!'
The Postal Service, 'Nothing Better'
Barbara Morgenstern (with Robert Wyatt), 'Camouflage'
Robert Wyatt, 'To Carla, Marsha and Caroline (for making everything beautifuller)'
NRG, ' I Need Your Lovin' (Real Hardcore Mix)' - such sublimity in that sample, and how all is arranged around it.