Jun 02, 2005 20:35
Often it does seem a pity Noah and his party didn’t miss the boat.
-Mark Twain
I was in Mrs. Powell’s AP English class when I heard that for the first time. And as much as I hated the class, the quote has become one of my favorites. I don’t usually consider myself a pessimistic person but often in life we all get those moods. Well my friend today is the perfect day for one of those moods. I wish it would rain. Better yet, storm. It would be the most wonderful thing to me if the skies would open up and let out rain, lightning, and my personal favorite thunder. To hear the sky roar; roar my anger out. I can’t seem to loud enough. I enjoy storms very much. I have wondered what it would be like to watch a small tornado. When the movie “Twister” came out it made me think and dream. I was interested in the career of chasing tornadoes. To see them in their fury, to see them rage against the earth. At the age of 17 I am still at a loss for words to match every emotion I have. And I have also failed to really be able to understand every one I have. I can not always identify what I am feeling. But I have come to the conclusion that I never experience just one emotion or feeling. It is 2 or more in me at a time.
I’m sorry for rambling like I am. And I am sorry if none of this makes since. I would not be surprised if none of you can understand what I am saying. I know what I said. And I know it felt good to get it out.
Thanks for listening, even if no one reads it, you all listened.