Sooooooo this saturday i'll be having my hair cut!! Wooooo!! And i have to say, its needed. This past week has been awful, because my hair is just toooooo long. So yeh, i'll have it cut but not too short. Actually, here are some photo's showing how it will look like.
Comments please!! If its ok :) I think it looks pretty good, and i can't wait to have it done. Thats Alex James btw, the bassist of Blur!! Its funny, he lives about 10 minutes from my house. Maybe i should ask him where he goes to :D hehe.
Today, has been pretty lame. I was pretty sad this morning, but i can't actually remember why lol. And from about mid-day i have had this HUGE headache! God, i'm gonna have to take some tablets. It's probably not helping the situation, by listening to music, but what the hell!? Its good music! :D
And when the sunset wheel begins.