May 02, 2011 20:22

God is DEAD.

He sure is! xD Hace dos días se estrenó en Youtube el último pero no menos TOTALLY AWESOME de los shows de Starkid, que como todos sabemos, es el fantástico grupo teatral (repleto de gente talentosa a más no poder) de la universidad de Michigan, de donde salió Darren Criss, en enfecto, sí, pero que además cuenta con MARAVILLOSAS PERSONAS como Lauren Lopez, Joey Richter, Joe Moses, Brian Holden, Dylan Saunders, Joe Walker, Jim Povolo, Jaime Lyn Beatty and so on (Hay mucha gente, y'all! xD)

Esta vez, Starkid nos transporta a un futuro lejano, en un planeta aún desconocido, con personajes dispares, tanto humanos como alienígenas (Aunque bueno, alienígena es todo el mundo, según desde dónde se mire...) en forma de bicho, como Bug (Que literalmente significa "bicho" xD) cuyo sueño es llegar a ser un Starship Ranger.

Si todavía no lo habéis visto y lo estáis deseando, dadle al link y que lo disfrutéis!

Mis partes favoritas (Aunque el show entero es MARAVILLOSO en su totalidad) fueron estas:

- February: I will now remove my helmet... *touches her head, helmet-free already and giggles* Let record show that I'm super ahead of schedule.

- Taz: You! Listen to me now, you little fart! Up is the toughest son of a bitch I've ever met in my life!
- Krayonder: You stabbed me!
- Taz: He eats eagles for breakfast. He sleeps on a bed of fire. And when Up cuts an onion, THE ONION is the one who CRY! 

- Taz: If you don't go out there and die for something, then I will kill you for nothing.

- Taz: Do you remember when we met in my Quinceañera and you saved me from those killer robots who tried to string me up like a pinhata and smash me open so they could eat me guts?
- Up: I destroyed them...
- Taz: Yeah. That was tough! Or that time, when those bullies were picking on me, ‘cause I was so little and I liked to read, and I crawled on your back and we chased them into the dumpster. And they looked like a bunch of chilies! That was tough! [...] Or that time, when you taught me Calculus... CALCULUS WAS TOUGH!!

- Krayonder: Hey Taz, you're pretty tough for a chick!
- Taz: I was just going to say the same thing about you...
- Krayonder: Woooah!

- February: Who are you?
- Bug: My name's Bug!
- February: Oh! LIKE A BUG?!
- Bug: Ehm... No...
- February: Oh, Thank God! I'm February! Like the month, but a person!

- Taz: One more comment like that, and I'm going to wrap you up in a tortilla and then I will eat you, as a snack, maybe with some pico de gallo!

- Tootsie Noodles: I once had a flirtatious relationship with a stack-a-hay but, that was kinda strange 'cause, the stack-a-hay was ma cooousin!

- Commander Up: Right now I just wanna shake this boys' hand! *Hugs him*

- Bug: I like you because of your big heart!
- Commander Up: I like you too... I like you because you're nice to me...
*Eskimo kiss*


- February: The Galactic League of Extraterrestrial Exploration wants to capture the bugs, so they can make their own twisted abominations...
- Commander Up: Damn that G.L.E.E.! They're always making twisted abominations of everything!

*BRIAN HOLDEN CON GAFAS ROSA (¿A alguien le suena? xD)*

*spread the love* Epp Opp Ork Ah-Ah! 

Hay un montón de transfondos de disney aquí (Como no podía ser de otra forma, y más cuando las letras de las canciones las compuso Darren Criss, dude xD)

La Sirenita y la Cenicienta

En otras cosas. Me pasaría el día poniendo cosas, pero no puedo. Ni tengo tiempo, ni suficiente espacio en esta entrada *reza para no haberse excedido* SI LO HAS VISTO, COMENTÉMOSLO EN LOS COMENTARIOS Y QUE SIGA EL SPAM DEL AMOR! xDD

this is friki que te cagas, awesome!, m'encantaaaaa, una palangana por favor, darren criss, friki de mierda!, lame post is lame, starship, starkid, sé que esto no viene a cuento, randomness por vena, estamos todos locos aquí

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