1. Pick five songs that most people would know.
2. Select lyrics of up to but not surpassing 150 words from each one.
3. Go to
http://babelfish.altavista.com/tr4. Enter the lyrics thus:
English to German
German to French
French to Portuguese
Portuguese to English
5. Post the resultant gobbledegook and ask people to figure out what the songs are.
1) Me it bets, did not know, me violin a player is however also, and if it is interested, for leaves an appositive one with vocês that keeps dares to take me it the good pretty violin a youngster to play however, the devil its debt to give, me the appositive one, a violin of the gold against your soul "cause me thinks that I am better that vocês."
2) John to the staff is now a friend of me, it me my drinks for free receives and is to it in superior part to illuminate fast with a favour or your tobacco, but he has that he would be before says to it, "calculates" in some place ", believes me that this" is "appositive to the death me", as to smile ran well distant of its face ", he is certainly that he could be a Star of cinema, if could leave this place"
3) Wells of the eyes turn the fame to come of the Lord; It trampelt of the wine reading, in which the grapes of cólera is stored; Hath decided the mortal ray of its terrible fast blade; Its truth walks above. Fame! Fame! Halleluja! Fame! Fame! Halleluja! Fame! Fame! Halleluja! Its truth walks above.
4) Friendly friends and acompanhadores, to bind come in the Reim to come to raise your voices in the choir mine it to be able in superior part to drink us and to be happy, all the penalty, power to take to take us and to be able all the meetings is of never here new a health to the company and one mine to leave here he made to drink us and very of a glass to be happy part to make vocês to drink us and to be happy, all the penalty, power to take to take us and any power to still find here never
5) Ampèreheure, Ah, we saw of the country of the ice and snow, of the sun of midnight, in which the hot springs grill. The hammer of the Gods goes our ships to the new countries, for Horde and sings and walked to fight: Valhalla, I come! To sweep with the helm direcção that beats, our only objectivo to be the edge occidental person.