Eyes as Candles, Part III

May 02, 2010 20:34

Rating: I'm gonna go with G to NC-17. Sorry for the spread.
Pairings/Characters: Cristina with implied Owen/Cristina, Burke/Cristina, Mark/Addison, Meredith/Derek, Burke/Cristina, Mark/Lexie, Erica Hahn/Burke, Jackson/Cristina, Izzie.
Summary: drabble123 prompts.

Her lip is bleeding.

Owen is in the living room doing pushups and having issues and she’s in bed trying so damn hard to stay quiet while she gets off that her lip is bleeding.

Cristina sees no problem with this.

Tingling sets in low in her abdomen as her fingers work magic inside herself, her mind settled on the image of a man she shouldn’t be fantasizing about. She imagines his length filling her, his dark brown eyes rising to meet hers, hands skimming her body.

Cristina loses herself in the fantasy and whispers his name.

Owen hears it.


“Mark,” she moans in a breathy voice.

The most she gets is a grunt in response and a rush of dizziness when he pulls her away from the wall and carries her to their bed.

‘Theirs’ being Derek and Addison.

Not Mark and Addison.

Unceremoniously, he crawls over her and pushes inside her again. He kisses her breasts and says all the dirty things that Derek can never manage with a straight face. He touches her in places that Derek won’t touch her. He kisses her the way that Derek can’t.

Mark says he loves her and Derek never does.


She had on that green shirt, the one that buttoned just above her modest cleavage. There was just a hint of a black lace bra peeking out the top.

Clearly, Meredith had known exactly what she was doing.

Derek, however, did not.

It wasn’t typical of him, really. To be the one night stand guy, the guy who gets drunk with the cute girl who wrinkles her nose at his bad jokes but he couldn’t help himself.

He’s never been able to help himself when it comes to her.

Despite their troubles, he’ll never regret the night he met her.


Cristina had forgotten the feeling of lying in bed, calm and at peace. She had forgotten what warmth and comfort felt like as she drifted off to sleep.

It had been too long.

Strong arms wrapped around her and she closed her eyes, simply taking in the moment. There were no nightmares here, no fear of waking up with hands wrapped around her throat, no unintentional shoves in the middle of the night.

Burke kisses her shoulder and tells her again that he’s sorry, that he’ll make it all up to her.

Cristina doesn’t say it, but he already has.


“S-Saturday is fine,” Lexie stammers, trying her best to play it cool, trying to pretend that she hasn’t been waiting four months, three weeks, six days and seven hours for him to ask.

Really, she shouldn’t even know how long it’s taken.

Mark should know.

He was the one forcing things on her that she didn’t want and he should have been the one counting things down.

Not her.

Except it’s Mark and she loves him. She’s missed him and the only thing she can think about is how happy she’ll be in two days, twelve hours and five minutes.


“Right there, next to the mediastinum. Do you feel it?”

Preston glanced down at the petite blond in front of him as she moved his hand around in a cadaver’s chest. He felt something and it had absolutely everything to do with anatomy but nothing to do with their cadaver.

“Erica, you’re feeling things.”

“Yeah, I am.” She smirked, pushed her hips back slightly into his. “We’re supposed to be practicing anatomy.”

He grinned that grin that always chipped away at her determination and put her panties in a twist, “It’s all anatomy.”

“We’re never going to pass this test.”


It’s the like déjà vu except not because they’ve done this before. Only last time, they’d been drinking and this time they haven’t.

The light switch scrapes at his back and she pushes her body into his. He tugs at the hem of her shirt and pulls it up over her head, a mess of black curls cascading down her back.

Cristina’s surgical skills made her hot but her body makes her hotter.

Jackson kisses hungrily at her neck, works at the button on her pants and wonders what the fuck is wrong with Owen Hunt to give her up.


The pain in her bones is nothing compared to the ache in her heart. Somebody should be here, be holding her hand but her room is empty. The nurses come and go, spend as much time as they can but eventually move on.

Even in her drugged state, she can see the pity in her eyes.

Izzie sees Alex when she closes her eyes but he’s never smiling. He always looks angry at her. The ache in her chest spreads and her throat tightens.

She hopes that this is it.

She can’t take the pain of seeing him angry again.

ship: mark/lexie, ship: burke/hahn, ship: jackson/cristina, character: izzie, ship: burke/cristina, drabble123, ship: mark/addison, adult themes, ship: meredith/derek, ship: cristina/owen

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