"These are mad times we live in! Mad!"

Jul 19, 2009 17:54

YAY Went to watch Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince last wednesday \o/ And for the first time I watched a HP movie by myself.. My sister is too busy being stupid. I was okay with it, really. Was weird though, when I went to buy my ticket and the lady said it was almost sold out, there were only 12 seats available or something and they were all separated (is this right?!). If I was with someone we couldn't be next to each other, you know. Ah yes, we've got numbered seats in some movie theaters. And I was like "Yeah.. that's fine"

I almost went deaf when New Moon's trailer started! Jesus!!! I've read Twilight and it's a good book but I don't see how one would like to read the series after watching that movie. Fuckin awful.

Anyway, HARRY POTTER! I loved it! I just wanted to see some more Harry/Ginny! Missed the seven day sunlit part ♥ She's so cute and they really look good together. That Sectumsempra scene between Harry and Draco is one of my favorites from the book and I was glad to see it turned out pretty great in the movie :D They didn't say much about horcruxes though, did they?! I mean, it's hard for me to watch it from a different POV, like someone that has not read the books.. And this is probably the funniest HP ever! What was Cormac McLaggen at that Slug Club gathering?! LMAO!

Prof Minerva McGonagall: Why is it that, whenever anything happens, it's always you three?
Ron Weasley: I've been wondering that for six years, Professor.

Can't wait to watch the last one two \o/ What's it gonna be? First part in July, second part in November??

Bought some new t-shirts! I wanted this Oasis t-shirt so much but it was sold out when I started listening to Oasis a year ago ;___; (There's an online store here, Reverbcity, with so many cool tees! They're like limited though..) Then I guess they decided to remake it for the gigs here in Brazil ;D

The other one is from Almost Famous as you might have guessed :P

Ah, every time there is a new announcement in news I hope they're saying there will be some more userpics to plus accounts but nah.. Bastards.

pictures: personal, # public, movies

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