Good Day

Jul 31, 2008 21:30

We had a good day which is refreshing after yesterday. I rarely get tension headaches but yesterday I had a large one of which I had to take medication in order to relieve it. I don't have much to say today. I wanted to write about Nathan and his new word which is "dicle" which stands for popsicle. After dinner and before bed he stands a the freezer saying dicle and basically screams for it. Our nightly summer ritual revolve around eating dinner, playing outside then having the girls clean up their toys and if they do they get a popsicle (the popsicle is also dependant on if they ate most of their dinner). So Nathan kind of skips the cleanup step and just stands at the freezer demanding the dicle. It is really funny and the girls do not correct him they just keep saying it. I wish I could record him saying it but unfortunately we only have a camcorder which used VHS tapes, yikes!!

Things I am grateful/thankful for:
-participating in a great, energetic spinning class.
-laying in bed and snuggling with my husband in the morning before the chaos begins.
-seeing my children smile everyday
-having Tucker back to his usual sweet self
-having Mallory yell in her gymnastics class "Mom do you see me!"

Until next time..
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