good friend from college and I are having a much needed girls weekend. Well we are not really going anywhere but the point is that we are spending time together without our kids or husbands. The only plans that we have are sleeping in, getting food for only ourselves, reading as much of our books as possible, a pedicure, having conversations without getting interrupted, and oh yeah- did I mention meeting only our needs! So like I said it will be a nice weekend.
Julianne did not really want to go to Mimi's house because she wanted to stay with my friend and myself and she did not want me to get in a car accident. I don't really know where she came up with that but I was a little worried that she was thinking that (does she have a sixth sense, yikes!). I am sure she got that from old conversations that we had or that she may have seen in on "Trama: Life in the ER" while I was watching it. I sometimes watch that show because it is on at 7:00 p.m. and usually the girls have cartoon time before we go up to bed around 7:30 pm. and I am so drained by the day that I aimlessly turn it on and watch it while I watch Nathan. However, Julianne has not enjoyed cartoons for the past 6 months, I think because she is only allowed to watch Noggin and the shows are a little young for her, so she ends up downstairs with Nathan and I and I try to flip it when they talk about that stuff but I sometimes miss it. Also she really wants to be a doctor when she grows up so she also likes the show but she is still too young for some of the things that happen in it.
Well I am going to go start enjoying my free time.