A Sunday mini-gig to end the weekend

Apr 29, 2007 22:15

After Friday night's marathon gig (cons have spoiled me... when you're used to playing for 45 minutes or an hour, four 45-minute sets is quite a change!), min0taur, Sally and I helped provide the special music for this morning's service at UUI (the Unitarian Universalist Church of Indianapolis). I had primed the pastor w/ the lyrics via email and he actually used the lyrics from "Holy Now" (by Peter Mayer... go listen to his stuff if you've not heard of him!) in his sermon, before we played it as the postlude. The lyrics to both songs also got printed in the bulletin, which came in handy when we decided to turn the offertory into a rock-and-roll sing-along and enlisted the audience for the choruses of Dave Carter's "Gentle Arms of Eden".

When I volunteered the three of us (Jen was busy choir-directing at Carmel Lutheran and couldn't join us), it kinda didn't occur to me that we'd never actually played these songs together (oops!). I've been doing them for so long in filk rooms that I spaced the fact that we'd never really worked them up as a band. Thankfully, Barry and Sally take pretty much anything in stride, so after we all attended the Arty Bash at UUI on Saturday night, we went back to Barry and Sally's and sat out on the deck enjoying the beautiful evening while we knocked both songs over a couple of times. After I got over being fascinated by having all that extra musical Stuff going on (it's hard to sing and listen at the same time!), they came together quite nicely and we had lots of fun with them this morning. It's nice to play for people who appreciate good music, and I love that Wild Mercy gives me that opportunity on a regular basis, whether it's at cons, at gigs like this weekend's artists' open house, or at church.

wild mercy, gigs, music

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