Hurricane update: ...Hanna is lame. I want FROOOSH WIND AND POW RAIN AND RAAAR and it's mostly just humid and dark. But on the plus side, Joe and the boys are back! Presumably Meggie, too, but I haven't seen her yet.
Aly is a lesbian: So some girl came to flirt with my friend Simon in food and nutrition, and ended up giving me her phone number.
I'm not going to call it, but I mean, she was hot. Big score.
Art: ART 2 IS THE ABSOLUTE BEST THING EVER AAAAAAH. I'm sitting across from a boy who's bag says "Wonderflonium: do not bounce". Best thing ever amirite?
Still art:
xalolo, I am nearly done. If it takes longer, I'll email you.
What else?: I made a new character on everquest...again. I always play one and then get fascinated by another! I want to do it aaaaall!
Hair: It's faded to a flower-purple, but it's still shockingly blue behind my ears. Go figure.
Play: I didn't get a part, but neither did some fantastic actors. I'll just have to work my ass off for Beauty and the Beast.