Trope Bingo - Missed by one square

Nov 07, 2016 18:28

By: Caiti
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor, Avengers, Captain America
Tropes: Language/Translation, Sharing a Bed, In Vino Veritas/Drunk Fic, Future Fic

Fic: Translation - MCU, Thor, Captain America - Darcy Lewis/James "Bucky" Barnes - Translation
Summary: Darcy's been waiting for him since she took the internship with Jane.
Content Notes: No archive warnings apply

Fic: Family Matters - MCU, Thor - Darcy Lewis/Clint Barton - Sharing a Bed
Summary: Life is all about changes...but Clint & Darcy have a tendency to go overboard.
Content Notes: No archive warnings apply

Fic: In Vino Veritas - MCU, Thor - Darcy Lewis/Clint Barton - In Vino Veritas/Drunk Fic
Summary: Darcy & Jane are a little drunk...and Clint gets to hear a couple of interesting facts.
Content Notes: No archive warnings apply

Fic: Happily Ever After - MCU, Thor, Avengers - Darcy Lewis & Natasha Romanoff - Future Fic
Summary: A quiet time of reflection between two old friends.
Content Notes: Alludes to some character deaths

character: clint barton, category: gen, character: natasha romanoff, theme: family, fandom: marvel cinematic universe, theme: friendship, character: darcy lewis, theme: romance, character: james barnes

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