Grass Challenge: Blade - Flowers Like Stars

May 14, 2013 01:37

Title: Flowers Like Stars
Author: SilverStarSpray
Characters/Pairing: Thingol, Melian, Lúthien
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Book/Source: Silmarillion
Disclaimer: Tolkien's the genius, not me.
(Holy wow finals week is over and I have time to do things!)

The sweet-smelling blades of grass tickled her face as she rolled down the hill toward the banks of the Esgalduin. Petals of pale niphredil caught and clung to her hair like the stars twinkling in the sky overhead - great diamonds, her mother said, flung into the void by Varda Elbereth when the world was formed.

Lúthien’s giggles turned to a delighted squeal when her father caught her at the bottom and swung her into the air. The nightingales in the boughs overhead scattered with musical chirps of protest, and Melian laughed, her hands busy weaving fine thread into a tapestry.

character: lúthien, author: silverstarspray, challenge: grass : blade, character: melian, character: thingol

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