A Mere Flurry - Sore Throat

Feb 15, 2013 18:05

Title: A Mere Flurry
Author: Alma Heart
Characters/Pairing: Gandalf, Gwaihir, eaglets
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Book/Source: LotR
Disclaimer: All of Middle Earth comes from the hand of Tolkien.  I own nothing.  I make no profit off the drabble.
Wohoo, I actually got something down!

Early in his time upon Middle Earth, Gandalf received a lesson in the frailties of mortal forms.

Shrieking winds howled outside, but within the aerie downy nests and dear company chased them away.  Little Auroval nestled under his father‘s wing.  “A story, Adar!  Please?”
Gwaihir smiled.  “Once a wise, mighty, foolish wizard thought to climb in the cold to the Wind King’s hall.  Had I not met him halfway-”
Thunderous coughing interrupted his tale.  Gwaihir winced sympathetically as Gandalf sneezed.  “Valar bless, Olorin.  Do drink your tea.”
The wizard returned a withering look, knowing any retort would be a mere hoarse croak.  But the sleepy coos of the eaglet burrowed in his arms made irritation difficult indeed.

author: alma heart, character: gandalf, challenge: ailments: sore throat

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