Those Left Behind - Note

Jul 15, 2012 11:35

Title: Those Left Behind
Author: Alma Heart
Characters/Pairing: Faramir, Merry, OMCs
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Book/Source: RotK
Disclaimer: All of Middle Earth is from the hand of Tolkien.  I own nothing.  I make no profit from the drabbles.

A drabble pair from the Houses of Healing.
"And so Merry was sent to Faramir, and while that day lasted they talked long together." (RotK, The Steward and The King).

Finbor nearly overlooked his charges. The Steward of Gondor rested amid garden flowers, one arm cradling the dozing perian beside him.
Despite Finbor’s quiet approach, Faramir opened his eyes and looked up.
Finbor knelt. “…My lord?”
Meriadoc frowned and murmured in his sleep. Faramir soothed him gently, drawing him close. “It would be a shame to disturb him,” he whispered, sorrowfully regarding the hobbit curled in his arms. “He is yet healing, and lonely since his companions departed. Please, let him stay.”
Finbor looked upon his lord with grief. “Very well.” He hadn’t the heart to take the perian away.

I left the Steward and Master Meriadoc in the garden. It seemed best.
Warden Arandir crumpled the note furiously. Best? Fara---The Steward and the perian needed rest! Neither had recovered sufficiently for sustained periods up and about!
Reaching the garden, he paused.
Beneath brittle spring leaves, wrapped warmly in blankets, Faramir dozed, curled around the sleeping perian pillowed on his chest. Meriadoc’s presence seemed to have soothed him to sleep.
Heedless of the darkened sky, in the choking, fractured stillness of the world‘s sundering, man and perian breathed.
Arandir withdrew silently. He dared not disturb such precious dreams of peace.

author: alma heart, character: faramir, challenge: writing: note, character: merry

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