Disasters Challenge; Earthquake. Another bedtime tale for little hobbits.

May 14, 2012 20:16

Title: Another bedtime tale for little hobbits.

Disasters Challenge; Earthquake.

Author: Curiouswombat
Characters: hobbits.
Rating: G
Source: LotR
For the Disasters Challenge; Earthquake.

Disclaimer: The characters in this story do not belong to me, but are being used for amusement only, and all rights remain with the estate of JRR Tolkien.

Another Bedtime Tale for Little Hobbits

Once upon a time there lived a hobbit who left his cosy hobbit hole and walked for weeks, for months, until he was far from The Shire. And all that time he was being watched by a Great Eye in the sky; waiting, watching…

Then, one dark, dreary, day the Great Eye blinked… and the earth shook, and the earth trembled, until the ground was split asunder.

The hobbit teetered, tottered, overbalanced, tumbling into a great chasm; he disappeared… never to be seen again.

Which goes to show that hobbits that leave their homes always come to no good end!

author: curiouswombat, character: hobbits, challenge: natural disasters: earthquake

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