The Waters of Ithilien

May 03, 2012 11:50

Title: The Waters of Ithilien
Author: Jay of Lasgalen
Character: Faramir
Rating: Gen
Disclaimer: Tolkien's; not mine.

Summary:  Faramir dreams ...

The Waters of Ithilien

Trapped in nightmare, he watched, helpless.  Orcs and trolls came with boulders and huge slabs of stone to dam the stream, then fouled the lake forming behind with their filth.  The stream slowed to a trickle and stopped, and the music of the waterfall was stilled.

In the once fair valley below trees withered and died.  Black soil turned to dust in the drought, blowing away on foul winds that came from Mordor and leaving a bleak, barren land of rock and stone.

One day the waters of Ithilien would be silenced for ever - unless he could defeat the enemy.

challenge: natural disasters: drought, character: faramir, author: jay_of_lasgalen

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