Title: The Other Prince
Author: Alma Heart
Characters/Pairing: Faramir, Boromir
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Book/Source: LotR (vaguely movieverse)
Disclaimer: All of Middle Earth is from the hand of Tolkien. I own nothing. I make no profit from the drabble.
Hills cloaked in verdant, living splendor spread around them. Ithilien‘s days were short, her nights dark, though daylight bought a momentary respite.
Faramir gazed away, and Boromir could feel him breathe deep, shuddering at her dark, burned scars.
“We are losing, Boromir. A year, maybe months. Nothing more.”
Boromir gazed east. The shadow was always deepest here. It chilled his heart. Ithilien would fall first.
Anor’s rays seemed to crown Faramir in fire, a falcon poised above his realm, defiant of all her shadows.
Boromir smiled. “Aye, brother. But if any can protect her, it is you.”
Faramir smiled grimly.