MiddleEarth Fanfiction Awards Announcement

Jul 08, 2010 21:35

Subject - MEFA Check Ballots

Every year, the Middle-earth Fanfiction Awards posts a "draft" version of our categories and subcategories (and the stories competing in each), which authors and other fandom members can look over before this information is displayed on our website. The purpose is to give people, especially authors, a chance to ask for their stories to be moved.

You can also read more about how checkballots work at

--- community.livejournal.com/mefas/197122.html

Check ballots will be posted at two places:

--- community.livejournal.com/mefas/
--- groups.yahoo.com/group/MEFAwards/

You can reply to any check ballot to request a piece be moved.

If you want a story move, please let us know by 11:59 PM, July 14, at the latest.

(MEFA Admin.)

We now return you to your previously scheduled drabbles.
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