Trivial Pursuit: History challenge - First Meeting : Kortirion

Oct 11, 2008 01:22

Title: First Meeting
Author: Kortirion
Characters: Boromir and Legolas
Rating: G
Source: Middle-earth
Disclaimer: Tolkien’s world and all within it.

It was the first clear night since they’d left Rivendell, thin, mackerel clouds edged with moonlight parted, above them... the first stars he’d seen in a week. Boromir shrugged his cloak about him, his breath a faint mist. He and Legolas had the night watch; they sat slightly apart so as not to disturb the others. Boromir watched curiously; the Elf gazed upwards, eyes bright, a rapturous half-smile on his lips.

Finally, Boromir had to ask.

“What do you see?”

The Elf turned, smiling, “I see our history”

Boromir considered, before venturing... “My brother would love to talk of that...”

challenge: trivial pursuits: history, character: legolas, character: boromir, author: kortirion

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