Contronyms Challenge; Dust. All is Dust.

Aug 06, 2020 23:37

Title; All is Dust.
Author; curiouswombat
rating; G
Characters Arwen, Aragorn, her brothers, Halbarad.
Source; Lord of the Rings, Return of the King.

They had seen the very gates of Mordor crumble into dust. Even as they had fought side by side, beset by the forces of Evil, the dust had billowed across the field of battle.

Now the twin sons of Elrond stood by the son of Elrond’s heart, as the son of Halbarad called out “Men of Gondor and The North - to me!” raising up the banner that their sister made.

And, though they knew her choice had been long made, yet even as they clapped their brother The King, on his back, the victory tasted like dust in their mouths.

author: curiouswombat, character: elladan, challenge: contronym: dust, character: elrohir, character: aragorn

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