Title: Reunited Author: Elwen of the Hidden Valley Characters: Eldarion, Elladan Rating: PG13 Warnings: Reference to death Book/Source: ROTK Appendices, Letters of JRR Tolkien
I had been thinking along similar lines myself, but have instead pulled back to a slightly earlier time. I have just sat and written it by hand, but will post from home later as I don't fancy trying to do it from my phone!
Poignant. It must be a relief, at least, that the twins could tell Eldarion what happened and that he could share all that with his sisters. However, sad it is, otherwise!
Comments 7
I have just sat and written it by hand, but will post from home later as I don't fancy trying to do it from my phone!
- Erulisse (one L)
It must be a relief, at least, that the twins could tell Eldarion what happened and that he could share all that with his sisters.
However, sad it is, otherwise!
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