Bathing challenge

May 25, 2020 19:19

Title: Tales of Two Hobbits: Hot Water
Author: Kortirion
Characters: Merry, Pippin
Rating: G
Source: FotR Movie
Disclaimer: Tolkien’s and PJ’s, and a mere appended commentary

The party was in full swing. Ale flowed like… golden ale at a Hobbit’s birthday should flow! The cakes were sumptuously sticky with fancy icing, and more flavours of jam than you could choose between and have a favourite.

But of all, Pippin and Merry were looking forward to the entertainments! They snuck into the tent - and there they were - the biggest, the best…

“Will we get into hot water over this?” said Pip.

“Nay,” said Merry, “We won’t get caught!”

But caught they were… by Gandalf

And spent the rest of the evening elbow-deep in hot water - washing dishes!

challenge: bathing: hot water, author: kortirion, character: merry, character: pippin

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