Weekly Challenge (riverbank- pt. 2)

Apr 26, 2020 21:57

My second drabble for the week!  And yes they both have the same title!  I hope you enjoy!

Title: Father and son

Author: Mirkwoodmaiden1

Characters: Sam/ Frodo-lad

Rating: K

Warnings: None

Source: ROTK appendices

Disclaimer:  These characters belong to the Tolkien Estates

Sam sat on the riverbank. The sun warmed his back as his hands were cooled by the mud as he dug for worms to bait Frodo-lad's hook. He just needed a few more and he could then teach his son how to properly bait a hook. He grubbed the last two and held them up wiggling to his son.  "There we are my boy! Just enough!" Frodo-lad giggled with joy.  For just a second or two the look in his son's eye reminded him of Frodo, laughing.  Sam smiled. The Shire had been saved. Frodo had given him this moment.
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