Title: The Flames of Umbar
Author: Mirkwoodmaiden1
Characters/ Pairing: Aragorn/Arwen
Rating: K
Warning: None
Book/ Source: Appendices ROTK
Disclaimer: These characters belong to the Tolkien Estates
In the heat of the day Captain Thorongil emerged from below decks. He looked across the Gulf of Umbar and through the shimmering waves of heat he saw the wreckage of the Corsair ships. It had been a daring raid but vindicating flame claimed ship after ship. Gondor's coast was safe, for now. Shying from praise, he bid fond farewell to comrades. He would not be returning to the White City. It was not yet his time. Many roads yet to travel; many battles to be fought before he could ever call it home and find happiness in her arms.