White Challenge: Stones: Nenya, by Ysilme

Oct 06, 2018 11:47

Title: Nenya
Author: Ysilme
Characters: Celeborn, Galadriel
Rating: Gen
Warnings: none
Book/Source: Silmarillion & HoME
Disclaimer: This is a work of transformative fiction based on JRR Tolkien’s creation, done purely for enjoyment. No infringement is intended and no money is being made.
Notes: (100 words according to wordcounter.net.) Many thanks to lordhellebore for looking this over. Any remaining mistakes are my own.


For endless hours, he listens to the soft sound of her breathing. How can she sleep so peacefully, knowing what has happened? Knowing what might yet come to happen? Knowing what she now wears on her hand?

Celeborn turns over, seeking a cool spot on his too-hot pillow and the sleep that eludes him like on so many nights before. He is so tired, tired in mind and in body, and of their arguments. How could she have accepted, and now proudly carry the ring of Adamant?

He fears what the future will bring, and how this will change her.

author: ysilme, character: celeborn, character: galadriel, challenge: white: stones, character: elves

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