There Is A Time by Elwen of the Hidden Valley. (Vocalisation - Whisper)

Feb 20, 2018 22:14

Title: There Is A Time
Author: Elwen of the Hidden Valley
Characters: Elrond, Vilya
Summary: A strange conversation.
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Book/Source: The Hobbit


His was the ring of air. The gifting was hurried, with no time to interrogate his friend in its uses, so it took time to truly learn its ways. Even after three thousand years, it still had the capacity to surprise.

Now Master Baggins and Mithrandir return, with tales of fire and battle, death and gold, and their arrival brings a strange, faint discord, to the clean airs of Imladris. Sinking into domed, blue depths, Elrond attempts to isolate the cause but the ring of air is silent.

Then he hears Vilya's soft whisper, “The time is not yet. Wait.”


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