Picked up... challenge: Pen: 'Dedication'

Nov 10, 2016 01:43

Title: Dedication
Author: Kortirion
Character: Celebrimbor
Rating: G
Source: Second Age
Disclaimer: Tolkien’s tale… with a small aside.

He picked up a pen, paused to consider, absently drawing scrolling curlicues… then jolted from his reverie to stare blankly at the page.
No, this wouldn’t do.
He was designing for the Dwarves - they held no reverence for over-obvious ornamentation. Setting aside the parchment he began again…

Yes, much more appropriate!
He’d completed the overall design, the dedication to the craftsmen, but how should he phrase the rest of the commission?

Celebrimbor smiled to himself…
For subtle are the ways of the Khazâd… and even they could appreciate a joke…

In fine Elvish script he wrote: ‘Speak, friend, and enter’.

character: celebrimbor, challenge: picked up: pen, author: kortirion

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