Coastal--Shell, Ship: Snow Person, by Himring

Sep 03, 2016 15:21

Title: Snow Person
Author: Himring
Characters:  Maglor, OFC
Rating: PG
Warnings: reference to piratical activities
Book/Source:  Silm, LotR.
Disclaimer: All Tolkien's,  that is: Maglor, Himling Isle (formerly Himring Hill), the Corsairs of Umbar-- and the newly introduced character as well.
A/N: Two further drabbles in the sequence that took Maglor to Himling Isle.

The Corsairs departed, sailing southwards. Maglor was concerned for the safety of Lindon's coast-but more immediately for that unmoving body left on the sands. He emerged from his hiding-place in the rock to investigate.

It was a girl. Almond-shaped eyes, tight shut, broad nose, shell ornaments on the hem of her seal-skin jacket-clearly, one of the Lossoth. And she was not dead-but very ill indeed, running a high fever.

Cirdan would surely watch out for Lindon. Maglor mustered what he could of healing skills to alleviate his patient's symptoms and waited to see whether she would live.

‘The ship,’ she said, in strongly accented Westron, when she was strong enough again to speak and answer his cautious questions. ‘They said they came to trade for furs-but in truth they came to raid. They took the furs. They also took-people. I, they said, was a prize, a woman able to speak Westron-a rare gift for their great chief. But when I fell ill, they began to fear I would spread the disease...’

She fell silent, studying her unexpected saviour.

'What will you do now?' she asked, warily.

'Do?' Maglor echoed. 'I will take you home.'

A/N: No cliffhangers this time--the two of them do travel to Forochel together and the girl rejoins her tribe. I do have a few more thoughts about this, but I'm not sure I could manage to write them in drabble form--and, in any case, this was the last prompt of the series and the next prompt series that comes up might not suit the theme.  If I expand the sequence, either way, the full version will eventually be posted to the SWG Archive (and also AO3).

character: men, author: himring, character: maglor, character: ofc, challenge: coastal: shell, challenge: coastal: ship

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