Celebrate challenge: Birth - Winter Birthing : Kortirion

May 23, 2014 11:12

Title: Winter Birthing
Author: Kortirion
Character: Théoden and Rohirrim
Rating: G
Source: Pre-LotR
Disclaimer: Tolkien created the world and the characters - Kortirion added this bit to the Great Story.

It was a hard birth. In the enclosed space, the air stank of sweat and blood as she struggled… eyes wild, teeth bared, guttural moans alternating with high-pitched cries. The youngster was wrong-ended and the assistants could not turn the tiny creature properly.

A final heave… the head freed itself, the body following, legs jerking.

“A boy, Lord, and alive!”

They let go the collective breath they’d been holding, gazing at the sticky mop of long white hair. Someone laughed, they all smiled.

“Snowmane,” said a stable-lad, “He should be called Snowmane.”

Théoden nodded approvingly, “It shall be so.”

character: rohirrim, character: theoden, challenge: celebrate: birth, author: kortirion

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