Sounds Like Challenge - Hare-Brained: Stirring (Hares in Echuir), by Himring

Feb 12, 2014 23:47

Title: Stirring (Hares in Echuir)
Author: Himring
Characters/Pairing: Aerin, Broddun (OFC), Brodda
Rating: PG13
Warnings: non-graphic marital violence; canonical background (occupation of Dor-lomin)
Book/Source: Silmarillion, Unfinished Tales (CoH)
Disclaimer: Middle-earth is all Tolkien's (except for Broddun).
A/N: Another double drabble about Aerin and her sister-in-law

‘Women! More hair than wit, all of them,’ says Brodda.
So certain of that is he that he ignores all evidence to the contrary, right under his nose. He delights in outwitting Lorgan, but when things go wrong in the house…
‘It was an accident,’ says Broddun firmly and her brother believes her.
‘I’m sorry,’ says Aerin humbly. ‘Such a hare-brained idea!’
The only thing Aerin regrets is that she let herself be caught but Brodda accepts it.
Although it can be easy to fool Brodda, it is never safe. Only a glimmer of suspicion-and Aerin meets his fist.

It is spring, finally. Shy hares go crazy, come out of hiding and chase each other round the meadow in broad daylight. They kick and strike out at each other!
Aerin, too, feels the sap rise in her veins. She wants to run like a hare, toss her hair, jump and shout in the pale sunlight. She knows she is too old, weighed down with responsibility-her youth was gone in the blink of an eye, a casualty of war. But still her legs twitch…
Broddun sees the wild look in Aerin’s eyes with alarm.
‘Take care, sister! Stay safe!’

A/N: Mad as a March hare in Sindarin would apparently be mad as a hare in Echuir. Echuir spans late winter and early spring and translates literally as "Stirring".

author: himring, character: other canon character, challenge: sounds like: hare-brained, character: ofc

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