Woodwork challenge: Peg: 'Pegging' : Kortirion

Sep 17, 2013 02:21

Title: Pegging
Author: Kortirion
Character: Thorongil, Thengel
Rating: G
Source: Pre-Ring War
Disclaimer: Tolkien created - Kortirion merely scribbles in the margins.

Thundering down the pitch, the horseman’s lance stooped, struck, and lofted the wooden peg in one triumphant movement… to admiring cheers from his men. The watching Northman shook his head, smiling. Grinning, Thengel-king leapt from his horse.

“Come Thorongil, try again - you must learn to stick a peg!”

“My king, my skills are with bow and sword…”

“As you’ve proved, but to become a war captain you must ride like the Eorlingas. Folca - new targets.”

Obediently, the rider whittling new pegs from old lances ran to set another line.

Thorongil mounted, couching a lance.

“Now Dúnadan, show us your merit!”

character: thengel, author: kortirion, character: thorongil, challenge: woodwork: peg

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