This one's for you, Mike ;) lol much love <3 lol *hugs and cuddles* hehe But yeah, I do need to update a lot more, you're right. You rock and I wuv you Mike :D *mwah*
The only great thing about school is seeing everyone again. I love seeing everyone and hanging out again, it amazing. I can't believe I missed a semester because I was in the hospital. I'm glad to be back for the social aspect! lol Class is still boring, hehe
My friends keep me going most of the time, so they're probably going to get kick arse gifts for the holidays and for their b-days lol So be expecting something awesome :D I wuv you guys ;D *cuddles* Anyway, I'm gonna go rest because my head hurts.
Have a happy Friday everyone :D and have a great weekend!
~Sarah <3
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