"Swan-Knight", by Himring

Sep 30, 2018 17:51

Title : Swan-Knight
Author : Himring
Fandom/Source : Lord of The Rings, Unfinished Tales
Rating : G
Characters : Imrahil, Faramir; reference to Tuor.
Disclaimer : Two characters by Tolkien discussing another character by Tolkien. Maybe they did and maybe they didn't. But there is a link that is also canonical.
Spoilers/Warnings : I don't think there are significant spoilers (no warnings)
Summary: Imrahil reads his nephew an old story of the First Age. It is no coincidence that the story features swans...

‘Now Tuor loved swans,’ read Imrahil. ‘He rose therefore to greet the birds and call to them.’

Looking up, he saw how raptly Faramir was listening. He smiled and went on reading.

‘And as he stepped down from the doors the swans did him reverence, and plucking each a great feather from their wing they proferred them to him, and he took the seven feathers and set them in the crest of his helm.

I was as old as you are now when I first discovered this story. Can you imagine the game I played the next day?’

Faramir nodded.

A/N: This is a cross-post of a gift drabble for lirin, originally written for Fandom Giftbox 2018. Lirin's request was for something on Imrahil’s relationship with his nephews after Finduilas died, especially Faramir. The italicized bits are extracts from "Of Tuor and his Coming to Gondolin", in Unfinished Tales. I think Imrahil might have a special interest in Tuor, given the resemblance between the emblems of their houses.

tuor, unfinished tales, imrahil, author:hhimring, the lord of the rings (all media types), faramir

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