Exploring upwards, by Himring (Spiralling challenge)

May 31, 2018 02:03

Title : Exploring Upwards
Author : Himring
Fandom/Source : Lord of the Rings
Rating : G
Characters : Narvi & Celebrimbor
Disclaimer : Tolkien's characters (no offence intended, no monetary recompense received).
Spoilers/Warnings : Drawing on the chapter "The White Rider" and other references to Moria.
Summary: Taking my cue right from fredbassett's previous post, but this is a more idyllic moment, in the Second Age. Double drabble.

And there was the time Celebrimbor and Narvi climbed the Endless Stair together. Although they did not start from the bottom, from the lowest dungeon, it was a long, long climb, requiring several rests. Up, up and up went Narvi, until even his tireless dwarven legs ached with thousands of steps, and up and up went Celebrimbor after him, until even his elven head threatened to spin with the spiralling of the stair.
At last, they reached the pinnacle of Zirakzigil and looked out through the window on that dizzy eyrie in the snow above the mists of the world.

‘So, what did you think of my tower?’ King Durin asked, when they were down again.
Celebrimbor said little in reply, so lost was he still in wonder of the sight.
He returned to Ost-in-Edhil and, shortly thereafter, crafted a tall pair of goblets, of milky glass, translucent and opaque and shot through with silver, intricately patterned and whorled. These he sent to Durin as a gift, by way of thanks that the King had permitted Narvi to take him up the Stair.

‘Look,’ said Celebrimbor. ‘Remember?’
Narvi, gazing upwards, saw an eagle wheeling about the peak.
‘Yes,’ he said.

A/N: Previous drabbles about Celebrimbor and Narvi have been posted to tolkien_weekly

narvi, celebrimbor, author:hhimring, dwarves, the lord of the rings (all media types), challenge:spiralling

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