Melkor's Song: Challenge 'Spiralling'

May 27, 2018 15:28

Title : Melkor's Song on A03
Author : liadt
Fandom : The Silmarillion
Rating : General audiences
Characters: Melkor, Ainur
Disclaimer : Not mine, no money made, don’t sue.
Notes: written for the 'spiralling' prompt.

The Ainur crowded around Melkor looking at him askance. He repeated his musical line. There was no melody, but it had rhythm, discordant and wild. One of the Ainur swayed in time and added some bass notes to the basic tune. Melkor smiled and interjected high notes that stabbed into the music. Their voices rose, sprialling up and out into the void. Shock was replaced by fascination with the cacophony. The novelty of thoughts that weren't Ilúvatar's drew some Ainur to the new music and they were caught in the rhythm. Those that didn't join in fell silent and trembled.

the silmarillion, ainur, author:liadt, melkor | morgoth, challenge:spiralling

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