Orcs on the River; Challenge: The Great River

Mar 09, 2018 15:42

Title : Orcs on the River on A03
Author : liadt
Fandom : The Lord of the Rings
Rating : General audiences
Disclaimer : Not mine, no money made, don’t sue.
Spoilers : Set during 'RotK'.
Notes: written for the 'the great river' prompt.

Summary: The orcs' hope.

The orcs gripped their oars and rowed across the Anduin. Dark clouds from Mordor were their canopy. The sight of Minas Tirith in the distance filled them with hope. It was a rare emotion for them. For so long, Sauron had desired to take all of Middle Earth under his rule. At last, it seemed Sauron's dreams were coming true. Life in Mordor for the orcs was mean and directed by fear of their Master. The hoped to pass their fear to those who were, for now, free of Sauron's grasp and in doing so free themselves from fear. Maybe.

challenge:the great river, orcs, author:liadt, the lord of the rings (all media types)

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