A Circle Like The Moon, challenge: resolutions

Jan 11, 2018 16:36

Title : A Circle Like the Moon
Author : liadtbunny
Fandom : The Silmarillion
Rating : General audiences
Characters : Eöl
Disclaimer : Not mine, no money made, don’t sue.
Spoilers : For the chapter ‘Of Maeglin’.
Summary : Written for the Tolkien100 challenge Resolutions

Aredhel had gone, along with their son. They’d not been unhappy. Eöl was happy to spend his days in darkness and twilight. Aredhel couldn’t be content; she needed variety. She would return one day finding Gondolin as dreary as Nan Elmoth again. He’d have to have patience for her. He couldn’t for Maeglin who was too like him inside. As Maeglin had left with Aredhel, it meant he’d fallen in love with the thought of Gondolin already and, therefore, he’d stay forever. Eöl resolved to get Maeglin home. His last resolution had won him Aredhel, the only light he did not shun.

challenge:resolutions, the silmarillion, author:liadt, eol

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