An Open Book, Newly Read (Frodo/Sam, PG-13, drabble)

Nov 13, 2004 01:30

Title: An Open Book, Newly Read
Author: rubynye
Characters/Work: Frodo, Sam; Fellowship of the Ring
Adult content/slash: Yes/ Frodo/Sam
Disclaimer: This is a brief, benign avocational fiction.

How could I have known Sam so well, and so little? I knew him as a sweet faunt, fists full of flowers, then as my gardener lad, in whose hands Bag End bloomed. I knew him as my wide-eyed fellow dreamer, ears ever open to tales of dragons and elves. I knew him at midnight and before dawn, his sweet lips and warm gentle hands, the fit of our bodies and the wonder in his dark eyes. But it took this dark journey, from which there may be no return, for me belatedly to know his courage, his strength, his heart.

the lord of the rings (all media types), frodo/sam, frodo baggins, author:rubynye

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