Quite Batty, by Himring (non-challenge)

Mar 08, 2020 19:04

Title : Quite Batty
Author : Himring
Fandom : Silmarillion, History of Middle-earth
Rating : PG13
Characters : Nienna, Thuringwethil
Disclaimer : The characters are Tolkien's, and so are the bat wings.
Spoilers : None
Summary : In The Book of Lost Tales, Fui Nienna's hall is roofed with bats' wings. In later canon, it is a certain other female character who is associated with bat wings. There can be no connection, though, surely? (Not as cracky as the title makes it sound.)

Did anyone remember, Thuringwethil wondered, that she had emerged from the same train of thought in Eru’s mind as Nienna? Never a Maia of Nienna-Nienna did not hold with the idea of Maiar being hers, anyway. Nevertheless, creeping despair was not so far from grief. Who might Thuringwethil have been, had she not allowed herself so early to be compelled by shadow and seduced by secrets? Meditatively, her fangs ripped into the body of a live bat.

On the shore of Ekkaia, Nienna sighed. Lifting her hood, she allowed a tiny bat to seek shelter in her white hair.

A/N: Originally written for a prompt from the SWG's Crackuary bingo card.

the valar, author:hhimring, thuringwethil, the silmarillion, the history of middle earth, nienna

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